الالمانية  اضافة لتاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية  GYNEMED قائمة اوساط الزرع من شركة  


GM501 Mineral Oil 500 ml 4 MO 0500 OIL-2414 31.10.2025
GM501 Mineral Oil 100 ml 4 MO 0100 OIL-2417 30.11.2025
GM501 PVP 5 x 0,2 ml 4 PVP 0001-5 PVP-2412 31.01.2025
GM501 PVP 5 x 0,2 ml 4 PVP 0001-5 PVP-2414 28.02.2025
GM508 CultActive GM 508CULT-active1 ACT-2405 31.12.2024
GM501 Hyaluronidase 5 x 1 ml 4 HY 0001-5 HYA-2417 1.05.2025
GM501 Hyaluronidase 5 x 1 ml 4 HY 0001-5 HYA-2418 1.05.2025
GM501 SpermMobil 1ml 4 GM 501SMOBIL5-S SMOBIL-2404 31.12.2024
GM501 SpermAir 20 ml 4 GM 501AIR+PR+G-20 AIR-2405 31.12.2024
GM501 SpermAir 50 ml 4 GM 501AIR+PR+G-50 AIR-2405 31.12.2024
GM501 Flush 20 ml 4 GM 501F-20 FLUSH-2407 31.12.2024
GM501 Wash with Phenolred and Gentamicin 20 ML 4 GM 501W+PR+G-20 WASH-2404PRG 31.12.2024
GM501 Wash with Phenolred and Gentamicin 50 ML 4 GM 501W+PR+G-50 WASH-2403PRG 30.11.2024
GM501 Culture with Phenolred and Gentamicin 20 ml 4 GM 501H+PR+G-20 CULT-2404PRG 31.12.2024
GM501 Culture with Phenolred and Gentamicin 50 ml 4 GM 501H+PR+G-50 CULT-2404PRG 31.12.2024



Gynemed has been dedicated to the development, manufacture and distribution of high-quality medical products for reproductive medicine since 1998. In our portfolio you will find exclusively products meeting the highest standards and demands on quality, representing the latest scientific developments.


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